Home & Garden products are gardening hobby products that combine quality and practicality with comprehensive range of well-known brands. We offer a wide range of products for the home yards and gardens, plant growing, garden care, garden maintenance and construction, decoration and utilization.

Our main products are e.g.:

Garden Pharmacy products
(ant control, fertilizers, plant protection products)
Pictorial small seed bags
Lawn seeds
Pest control products
Fences and stakes
Fabrics and covers
Plant propagation products

Customer groups on Home & Garden-sector across the country:

Garden centers
Hardware stores
Department stores

Customer no­ti­fic­a­tion form

If you are not yet our customer, please fill out the form and sign it to receive a customer number for your future orders.
Customer notification form

Please read the Schetelig Group’s General Terms of Sale and Delivery:
General Terms of Sale and Delivery

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