With our extensive experience in the garden market, supported by a team of technical experts and skilled staff, as well as researched and tested products, we excel in offering customized, cost-effective solutions. This enables us to provide optimal customer service and the right solutions to meet our customers’ needs.

We specialize in delivering high-quality, technologically advanced, and environmentally friendly products while ensuring cost-effective management.

Our key product offerings include:

Irrigation systems
Controlled and slow-release fertilizers
Grass seeds (pure varieties and special mixtures)
Lawn edging
Soil improvers
Plant protection
Machines and accessories

We cater to diverse customer groups such as:

Golf courses
Sports fields
Cities and communes
Landscape architects and designers
Real estate and property management companies

Customer no­ti­fic­a­tion form

If you are not yet our customer, please fill out the form and sign it to receive a customer number for your future orders.
Customer notification form

Please read the Schetelig Group’s General Terms of Sale and Delivery:
General Terms of Sale and Delivery

Please contact us.