Privacy Policy

Data Protection Act (Tietosuojalaki 1050/2018)
Written 18.01.2021

By using our website’s services, you accept that your data will be processed in accordance with this privacy policy. If we update the privacy policy with significant changes, we will announce the update on our website. A valid version of the privacy policy can be found on our website at

Name of data file

Schetelig Group’s customer register


Schetelig Oy
Business ID: 0113769-0
Tiilitie 14, FI-01720 Vantaa

Oy Ansari-Yhtymä
Business ID: 0162601-3
Ansaritie 35, FI-54510 Uro

Persons in charge of data file matters:

Schetelig Oy
Paula Palmunen
Telephone: +358 40-55 18 534

Oy Ansari-Yhtymä
Tuija Ruokolainen
Telephone: +358 40-72 04 991

Data protection officer

Schetelig Group
CFO Jarmo Westervik
Telephone: 09-852 061

Content of the customer register data file

  • Company details
    • Company name and Business ID
    • Name of contact person
    • Address, postcode, municipality, country, and time zone
    • Language
    • Telephone number, fax, email
  • Sales/purchasing information

Basis for the data file

Customer relationship with Schetelig Group- We do not collect personal data from natural persons. We carry out B2B business wherein the opposing party is a legal person, to which the GDPR is not applied.

The purpose of processing company data is to manage the customer relationship, exercise the rights and obligations of the customer and controller, and to carry out advertising and/or direct marketing based on customer data via the controller’s communication channels and services. The Schetelig Group has the right to use and disclose the company data on the data file for justifiable purposes in compliance with legislation.

Regular sources of data

Data provided by the customer and data created in connection with the service. Data is saved automatically when the user submits data or uses the service.

Regular disclosure of data

Customer data is not sold to anyone or disclosed outside of the European Union. Our partners do not use the data for any other purposes or disclose the data to third parties.

Transfer of data outside of the EU or EEA

Data on the customer register data file is not transferred outside of the EU or ETA

Principles of data file protection

The customer register is protected from external use. Use of the data file is protected via personal user credentials and passwords. Users are bound by an obligation to non-disclosure. Access to the data file is only granted to Schetelig Group employees whose tasks require processing of the data on the data file. Employees are bound by an obligation to secrecy.

Right of access

The right of access is free of charge once per year. Data will be given in writing upon request. Personal requests for the right of access to company data may be submitted to Schetelig Group’s customer service point, which will forward the requests.

Right to rec­ti­fic­a­tion

The data subject has the right to request the rectification of inaccurate data.

Other rights relating to the processing of company data

The data subject has the right to object to the controller’s processing of the data subject’s company data for direct advertising, remote sales, or other direct marketing, and for market and opinion surveys. The objection must be submitted to the contact person responsible for the data file.


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